We are fairly inclusive of all systems but please be mindful that we are aligned more with a traumagenic / did/osdd experience.

Our account is not a syscourse heavy environment, but please expect the occasional opinion from us.

We are not sysmed, but we are somewhat critical about the impact of pluralgang, we prefer to align ourselves with dissociatwt.

Our account is a space for our freedom of expression so please understand that this may include the occasional (tagged) vent or rant

We try to be mindful of using tw's and tone indicators as needed.

Lastly, we will respect you as long as you respect us.



If you are x-phobic, terf, racist, the usual criteria

Use terms like sysmed and traumascum

If you cannot handle or are not open to differing points of views regarding did/osdd or plurality

Are judgemental of fictives/factives